Here are the concepts covered in Lesson 5:
The Opinion Journalist is given permission to go beyond gathering factual information.
An Opinion Journalist’s job is to select key facts and assemble an argument…to brandish an opinion. In responsible news organizations, a select few journalists are permitted to do the unthinkable: Arrange and select the facts and evidence in order to support one side or the other.
The Journalist's Code of Ethics, published by the Society of Professional Journalists sets the rules for Opinion Journalists as such
Distinguish between advocacy and news reporting.
Analysis and commentary should be labeled and not misrepresent fact or context.
Deny favored treatment to advertisers and special interests and resist their pressure to influence news coverage.
Remain free of associations and activities that may compromise integrity or damage credibility.
Opinion journalism is valuable because
It gives you new insights
Challenges your assumptions
Helps you make a decision or judgment
Provides a public forum of ideas for the public to consider
Opinion journalism should carry labels such as:
Reporter’s Notebook
Op-Ed Contribution
News Page Column
News Analysis
It also carries a particular tone and language, including:
First person statements ("I believe... I think...."
Tone of sarcasm and irony
Exaggeration / Superlatives
Parody of an issue or person
Opinion Journalism is Valuable When:
You are well-informed.
You are open-minded.
You are active, not passive consumer of news.
Unlike opinion journalism, which emphasizes evidence-based conclusions, mere assertion is a cluster of assumptions in search of validation. Belief and Emotion trumps evidence in this sphere.